Join the Global Movement

Christians and Jews must stand together NOW

Join the Global Movement to Stand with Israel’s Biblical Heartland 

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Our Leadership

Michele Bachmann

Dean, Robertson School of Government at Regent University

Pastor Larry Huch

Senior Pastor Founder LH Ministries, LarryHuch Ministries. New Beginnings Church
"Keep God’s Lands is..." Read more
"Keep God’s Lands is with out doubt the will of God!! You can ask. Who does the land of Israel belong to? The answer is found in undeniable proof Biblically, Politically, Legally and And thru Archaeology ! To stand with Israel is to stand in the blessings and the will of God !!"
Ambassador David Friedman

The former United States Ambassador to Israel

Pastor George Pearsons
Pastor George Pearsons

Senior Pastor, Eagle Mountain International Church | Chief Executive Officer, Kenneth Copeland Ministries

Pastor Paula White

Paula White Ministries
"Let's unite for..." Read more
"Let's unite for the protection of Israel, the safety of those in harm's way, and the defeat of Israel's enemies"

Rabbi Tuly Weisz

Founder, Israel365
"Those who read the Bible..." Read more
"Those who read the Bible know that God did not bring the Jews back to Israel, only to let Hamas drive us out. There could be nothing more sacrilegious than for the Jewish State to divide the Biblical heartland. The God of justice would never allow rewarding murderers and rapists with additional territory. For Jews and Christians, the challenge of our generation and the battle of our lifetime is to make sure that we Keep God’s Land."
Pastor Terri Copeland Pearsons2
Pastor Terri Copeland Pearsons

Senior Pastor, Eagle Mountain International Church | Chief Visionary Officer, Kenneth Copeland Ministries

Luke Moon

Exective Director, Philos Project
"God's people need to..." Read more
"God's people need to live in the land given to them by God. Keep God's people in God's Land."
Dr. Charles McVety
Dr. Charles McVety

President of Canada Christian College